The Times’ Bridget Harrison consults Lucinda on what to cook for vegetarian or vegan kids

Bridget Harrison’s 11-year-old son recently gave up meat, and he’s part of growing trend of children aged 8 to 16 who are now vegan or vegetarian because of their concerns for the environment and animal welfare. She asked me how parents can ensure their children are still getting everything they need for their growing bodies and minds?

Bridget is a brilliant journalist, author, editor and contributing editor at Times T2 and Times Saturday Magazine. She wanted to ensure her son could still get all the goodness he needed and in adequate quantities. Her article in The Times details all the key nutrients that parents need to keep an eye on when their child turns vegan or vegetarian, including protein, iron, calcium, zinc, iodine, omega 3 and vitamin B12. We then delved into ways to ensure these critical nutritional building blocks are still included in their diets at the right levels. The article also includes two delicious vegan recipes to try with your family – Black Bean Chilli and Falafels Three Ways.

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Further Advice
If you’re looking for further information on ways to boost key nutrients, also take a look at my latest blog – ‘My child has gone vegetarian or vegan…what should I cook?’.

I wish Bridget loads of luck with her new cooking journey with her son. I can’t wait to hear how she gets on, if you’re a parent in a similar situation I’d love to hear your thoughts too so do drop a comment below.

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