Information for Doctors and Medical Professionals
As naturopaths and nutritional therapists, we are not able to give medical advice, diagnosis, drug prescriptions or other restricted activities. What we do is quite different, as we are concerned with identifying nutritional and metabolic imbalances and getting the body back to a healthy state if a client is unable to do that by him or herself. Our work is evidence-based because we do this primarily by using laboratory testing for nutrient levels, gut health and toxin exposure. That way we know which areas of nutritional health need supporting. We can also check that any interventions are working by retesting. The sort of interventions we use are also evidence-based, and include focused diet, food supplements and other safe, legal and gentle solutions. But a large part of what we do is also coaching people to look after their health or that of their children.
Our work is complementary to what doctors do, in that we often support general health while a client is under medical attention. A simple example is that a person taking antibiotics would usually benefit from a probiotic to restore their gut microbiome. Similarly, some diagnosed health conditions under medical treatment benefit from a nutritional approach for support. An example of that would be coeliac disease where we can give advice and coaching on following a delicious, nourishing gluten-free diet and also ensure ferritin, vitamin B12 and vitamin D are monitored regularly.
Last Resort
Quite often, clients come to us when they have some complaint that is not recognised by their GP as being a problem worth treating, where the complaint is recognised, but the GP has not been able to make a diagnosis, or where the complaint is diagnosed, but considered untreatable.
In these cases, we apply our tried and tested approach of laboratory testing for health and nutrition levels, as we find that suboptimal health can exacerbate the symptoms of some complaints. Sometimes, our testing has enabled us to send clients back to their GPs with more evidence for diagnosis; and in other cases, the underlying complaint has improved or been eliminated. Obviously this does not always work, and nothing is guaranteed. But for many people, especially those with no other choice, this can be a useful, comforting and safe approach.
Open and transparent
We encourage (and sometimes advise strongly) our clients to tell their GP what diet, supplements and lifestyle changes we have suggested. Equally, we have an extensive health history questionnaire for clients to tell us what medical interventions are involved, so that we can all be aware of any possible interactions.
How we can work with you:
- Nutritional analysis – You may already have blood, urine and stool tests available for patients which we can analyse to advise on diet, lifestyle changes or food supplements. We recommend The Doctors Laboratory in London and Viva Health Labs for any additional blood tests needed. Test kits can be posted if it is easier to find a local phlebotomist, so it is good to have contact with surgeries that can help them.
- Behavioural issues – Nutrition and health coaching can help complement your medical approach, especially where diet and lifestyle factors are known to help manage the outcome of a specific condition.
- Referrals – We always like to know specialist practitioners, and although we do not make referrals ourselves, we are happy to provide recommendations that clients can go to their GPs with.
Dr Richard Fry
Dr Fry adopts a twin-track approach to mental health using some conventional drugs where they are not harmful, and then nutritional approaches for the longer term. He realises that sometimes patients do need medications and CBT, individual psychotherapies or family work. However there are some cases when they need to look at their metabolic setup and change the functioning of their gut, endocrine and immune system. Doing this can impact on their ability to synthesise neurotransmitters, and brain function generally.
Dr Fry is a Consultant Child and Family Psychiatrist and practised in the NHS as a Consultant and Clinical Director. He works with a selected group of colleagues from various backgrounds offering a multi-disciplinary approach to the wide spectrum of problems that are presented. Dr Fry worked as a GP and then exclusively as an Adult Psychiatrist for some years before entering the field of Child and Family work and is also a fully trained family therapist.
Dr Tim Ubhi
The early part of Tim’s career was as a lecturer in paediatrics & child health at Leeds university medical school. During this time he completed his research into using botulinum toxin to help children with cerebral palsy to walk. For this piece of work Tim was awarded the prestigious Michael Blacow prize by the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health.
Tim was then awarded a medical research council training fellowship looking at the development of novel treatments for children’s cancers.
A large part of his training was in paediatric oncology but more recently, Tim has focussed on general paediatrics. As a consultant and clinical director in the Yorkshire region he noted the improvements in patient care that were necessary in order for paediatrics and child care to survive as part of a National Health Service.
Tim has completed the NHS leadership academy Nye Bevan executive training programme and graduated in March 2016.
He founded the Children’s e-Hospital in 2015 and has quickly developed it into an innovative child health service that deals with most paediatric conditions (non-acute) but with a specialist interest in PANDAS & PANS (Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus & paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome). Tim has jointly led a team of paediatric specialists from around the country (including doctors from Alder Hey children’s hospital, Birmingham children’s hospital and the Evelina children’s hospital in London) to develop the first UK treatment guidelines for PANDAS & PANS.