NatureDoc is Tabitha’s Guest Food Blogger

The lovely Tabitha of Tabitha’s Gluten Free Dishes Recipe Blog has very kindly asked me to be her guest food blogger this week. In my interview with her I share my health story and why I am so passionate about healthy living and learning from mother nature. I also share my guest food blogger recipe for Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Muffins which is one of my most popular recipes. Children and their parents love these as they taste sweet and naughty but are in fact full of seeds, berries and even a whole courgette. Here is the full interview.

Tabitha is a very talented gluten free chef and writer. Her blog is full of gorgeous healthy family recipes that you will love and some other great interviews with other guest food bloggers. She has been on a tough health journey and has overcome some very significant neurological problems. With genetics stacked strongly against her (Tabitha’s mum died aged 52 of Motor Neurone Disease (ALS) and her grandmother had Multiple Sclerosis), she has been on a mission to keep her health in the best space possible. She has two young daughters, which has made her even more determined. I love her enthusiasm and her true British grit. She is living proof that the right diet and targeted nutrition can make a huge impact on health outcomes. You can read her beautifully written story here.

In her interview with me, she asked more about my background and how I became a naturopath and a food blogger. She also asked me quite a lot about how I work and my approach to laboratory testing. Since most of her readers follow gluten and dairy free diets, she was also keen for me to explain more about my approach to going gluten and dairy free. Here is the interview in full. I hope you enjoy reading it!

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