Welcome to NatureDoc!
Lucinda Miller is the founder and clinical lead of NatureDoc, a UK-wide team of Naturopaths, Nutritionists and Nutritional Therapists who incorporate Functional Medicine. We take a scientific and holistic approach to identify the key drivers of health problems including laboratory testing and provide natural and gentle nutritional interventions.

Natural Health Blog
We publish regular nutrition ideas for health and wellbeing.

Online Health Courses
Learn why nutrition is so important for ADHD and what you can do about it!

Live! Q&A
Every month join Lucinda and other experts for an hour of Zoom Nutrition Q&A + Online forum.

Delicious Recipes
Healthy, delicious recipes for tricky diets like gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo & many others.
A few kind words from some of our lovely nutrition clients
“I can not recommend Lucinda more highly. She has been instrumental in totally transforming my own health and wellbeing. When my youngest daughter started to have some tummy problems I took her straight to see Lucinda who, through clinical assessment and relevant testing identified the root cause. This is something the wider medical profession were unable to achieve. Without the in-depth answers to both mine and my daughter’s health issues, we would be living very different lives and possibly with diseases we’ve been able to curtail. We can not thank Lucinda enough. I would urge anyone with any health concerns to visit Lucinda. It could and probably will change your life.”

We had so many lovely clients writing in with their testimonials, we can’t put them all on the front page.
“Lucinda is an outstanding naturopath. Highly professional and with a warm and genuine approach she has been vital in our son’s health and return to being a highly sociable and happy boy. We started seeing Lucinda when our son’s gut healing programme plateaued on a grain-free diet. With her extensive knowledge combined with in-depth assessment and testing she has helped him make significant gains in the last 12 months using diet and nutritional supplementation. He is calmer and more focused at home and school. He has friends and has started playing cricket, which he loves. More recently he has discovered a love of reading as his comprehension has come along in leaps and bounds. We can’t recommend Lucinda highly enough for all she has done for our son and our family.”

Natural health ideas from the NatureDoc Blog
In the Healthy Blog, you will find health ideas from a top naturopath as well as delicious recipes, food & product reviews, and insights into how to stay in top health.