As a general rule for talks etc. we ask practitioners to identify themselves clearly as a NatureDoc and for any bio links etc to be back to their bio on NatureDoc or our home page. If you start making significant money from talks or retreats then there is a small branding fee which kicks in, but generally you should see it as great promotion and nice money if you can get it. We recommend taking speaking roles even if they are unpaid as they are excellent promotion/networking. But don’t undersell yourself with corporates or schools!
Usually we would be happy to to do a social media shout out for other organisations’ events involving a NatureDoc but this is on a case by case basis, and we would certainly expect reciprocal bigging up for us to their audience.
If we introduce you to the organisation, then we need to apply the 15% marketing fee.
If you have an interest in the profit or a per attendee fee, then we would apply the 15% marketing fee to clients who originated from our marketing. Obviously it is not always easy to see where they have come from, but we would expect a reasonable estimate for discussion.
If you are being paid a flat fee, and it’s your contact, then we think it is just too hard to track, so we don’t ask for more than reciprocal promotion from the third party and branding fee it you have hit the threshold.
Product endorsements
On a related topic, obviously practitioners recommend products to clients all the time, but clinical use for a specific reason is a bit different to public product endorsement of a product or brand, and there is a risk that NatureDoc could be involved by implication. So we ask you not to endorse products or brands publicly without checking with us first.